Walking the Narrow Path:
How to be a success—in God's eyes
By Charles F. Stanley
When this life is over and you stand before
the Creator to give an account for how you lived, what will you say?
That you worked hard, had a beautiful home, and took your family on
some wonderful vacations? Or that you readily and obediently served
Him, striving to become like Jesus in all you said and did?
After death, all our accomplishments will
be laid out before the Lord to be judged. At that point, it won’t make
any difference how much praise you received, how far you advanced in
your job, or how much money you accumulated. The only thing that will
matter is what God thinks about how you’ve used the abilities, gifts,
and opportunities He gave you.
The Bible is full of wise advice, which,
when put into practice, could lead to earthly prosperity—but it may
not. The important issue is whether your primary desire is to follow
the Lord or to achieve earthly prosperity. When someone is devoted to
Christ and walking obediently with Him regardless of the consequences,
he can be successful in the eyes of both the world and God.
Psalm 1:1-4 How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, But they are like chaff which the wind drives away. |
First Steps
Psalm 1 offers a description of how to
walk the narrow path of godly success—by following certain biblical
principles from day to day. You can begin practicing them now, with the
help of the Holy Spirit.
Be careful about your relationships.
The first verse of Psalm 1 deals with
relationships and advocates avoiding three practices if we want to
please God. This is a very important issue because bad company can
lead us down the wrong path.
Don't walk in the counsel of the wicked. We’ll
never be truly successful if we seek direction from those who don’t
know the Lord. This applies to every area of life—business, finances,
relationships, or whatever. Someone’s impressive degree or extensive
experience is no guarantee that his advice is godly. We should even be
cautious about accepting guidance from other Christians, because not
all believers are spiritually mature and wise. Their advice may
actually be more worldly than godly. The only way to guard our path is
to prayerfully compare all counsel to Scripture. If there is any
contradiction, disregard that advice because it will not lead where the
Lord wants you to go.
Don’t stand in the path of sinners.
Although you may have to live or work with those on the wrong path,
you don’t have to participate in their practices. The world has its
own set of rules for achieving success, but Christians are called to
live by a higher standard. When others urge you to compromise and do
what you know is wrong, don’t be afraid to stand alone on God’s path.
We’re called to be the light of the world, not to blend in with its
darkness. The Lord places us among unbelievers so they can see the
Savior in us (Matt. 5:14-16). If He wants to advance you in your workplace, He will do it in His way and time.
Do not sit in the seat of scoffers.
If you’re wondering who the scoffers are, just turn on your
television (perhaps this means we shouldn’t sit in front of that
screen too long). The world is full of people who ridicule God, His
people, and His Word. They attack with foul language or belittle with
intellectual babble. Believers should never get too comfortable with
them. Although we’re called to be Christ’s witnesses to a lost world,
we’d be wise to draw lines of protection in our associations so that
we’re not negatively influenced or led astray.
Be committed to God’s Word.
Psalm 1:1
deals with the negatives—what not to do—but the second verse tells us
what positive practices to incorporate into our lives so that we can
be truly successful.
Delight in the law of the Lord. A
person who delights in God’s Word doesn’t have to be told to read it,
because he longs for it. The Bible contains amazing riches for those
who are willing to open it and let divine truth penetrate their
hearts. Scripture reveals the Lord, renews the mind, increases faith,
and satisfies the soul. But if we neglect it, we’re going to live like
spiritual beggars—always hungry and never satisfied.
Meditate on God’s Word day and night.
Biblical meditation is the practice of letting Scripture soak into
our souls and change our lives. It’s an unhurried process of thinking
deeply about what a particular passage is saying to you. You’re not
looking for information but for personal application. It’s interactive
because while you’re reading and thinking about the verses, you’re
also talking with the Lord and asking Him questions.
When I meditate on a passage, I’ll often ask God the following:
- Do these verses mention any warnings or things that I should avoid?
- Is there a truth I need to understand?
- Have You promised anything which I have not yet believed?
- Are there any blessings You want me to enjoy?
The key to meditating on Scripture is
perseverance and patience. There’s treasure buried in God’s Word, but
those who only scratch the surface will never find it. If you want to
have a truly successful life, you must make this practice a regular
part of your routine. Just skimming over a chapter each morning will
not ignite a desire for the Word or bring about the transformation the
Lord wants to accomplish in your life.
The Rewards of Godly Success
If you faithfully guard your relationships and make the Word of God a priority, you can expect some amazing results. Psalm 1:3 paints a beautiful picture of what life is like when a person has chosen the Lord’s pathway to success.
Firmly established: “He will be
like a tree firmly planted by streams of water.” Whenever you follow
God’s principles, you’ll have incredible stability no matter what life
throws at you. Though the storm winds howl and blow, you can stand
unmoved, because your roots have tapped into the eternal stream of
Christ’s life flowing through you. The world and all its pleasures
offer nothing in comparison to the peace, contentment, and security of
intimately knowing Jesus.
Abundantly fruitful: “He will be
like a tree . . . which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf
does not wither.” Genuine success isn’t measured by stuff, but by
fruit. Christ told His disciples that the only way they could bear
fruit was to abide in Him (John 15:4).
All our accomplishments will amount to nothing if we don’t let Christ
live His life through us. When His indwelling Spirit is actively
transforming our character and equipping us to accomplish whatever He’s
called us to do, we’ll be like trees that produce a continuous
harvest. There are only two options in life. We can either live for
ourselves and produce “chaff which the wind drives away” (Ps. 1:4) or bear lasting fruit that glorifies God and benefits others.
Genuinely prosperous: “In whatever
he does, he prospers.” We need to rid ourselves of the notion that
prosperity always involves riches, prestige, or fame. Those are not
true signs of success from God’s perspective. The issue is whether
you’re following His will and seeking to glorify Him in all things.
The Lord will enable you to become truly
successful—if you let Him. But you must remember that there are two
different kinds of prosperity: spiritual and material. God’s priority
is always the spiritual. Which kind of success are you pursuing? You
are on the right track if your love for the Lord and His Word are
increasing, your character is becoming more like Jesus’, and your goal
in life is to walk in God’s will. Wherever you are on the path,
whether at the beginning or somewhere in the middle, focus on
Christ—and keep walking.
from Intouch Magazine, June 2012 issue
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